B.C. is on track to see 2009 foreign production volume ring in at a similar level as 2008, when 86 offshore projects totaling $1.4 billion in budgets shot in the province.
Cheryl Barker has time on her hands and kudos from the industry for her appointment to the Canada Media Fund board as one of Canadian Heritage’s two board nominations. Both might be crucial.
B.C. producers and the American studios have inked a new three-year deal with the B.C. Council of Film Unions, giving film and TV employees in the province a 2% annual wage hike and increased producer contributions to union health programs. The council represents over 10,000 behind-the-scenes film and TV employees in the province through its member unions, which include IATSE Local 891, Teamsters Union Local No. 155 and IATSE Local 669.
British Columbia producers and the American studios have inked a new three-year deal…
The loss of the veteran actor has dealt a blow to the indie feature Portland, which was set to star the veteran actor and begin…
While Vancouver’s Insight Film Studios keeps its first-place position as Canada’s largest independent producer for the second year in a row, the company saw its total production volume fall by 30% in 2008 to $125 million.
While Ron Howard’s thriller Angels & Demons was filmed in L.A and Rome, some of the most impressive shots were….
A movie poster for the American film Up River hangs on the wall behind Crawford Hawkins’ desk. While the 1980 western isn’t well known to many people, it holds significant meaning for Hawkins, the executive director of the Directors Guild of Canada B.C. District Council.
Stargate Atlantis was the big winner at the Leo Awards as the annual honors for achievements in the B.C….
The economic downturn is being felt in the B.C. indigenous production industry, although domestic producers remain optimistic, using this slowdown to beef up development slates and strengthen U.S. and international relationships.
In the service shoot-out between Canada and the U.S., British Columbia is winning big this year.
The Stargate Atlantis sci-fi series, which completed its five-year run in January, received 17 nominations for the B.C. film and TV industry’s 11th annual Leo Awards. In addition, the franchise’s DVD movie Stargate: Continuum boasts 11 nominations and Stargate creators/coproducers Robert C.Cooper and Brad Wright are being honored with outstanding achievement awards at the May 9 gala (craft awards are being handed out on May 8).