Telefilm Canada has invested more than $12 million toward 29 English- and French-language films in its latest round of funding.
The selected projects for the Production Program are considered “lower budget,” which typically means films set with a budget less than $2.5 million.
Among the eight English-language projects selected are for Ontario are dramas The Time We Met (Banana-Moon Sky Films and Peter Harvey Productions), directed by Sort Of co-creator Fab Filippo and written by Jonas Chernick; The Well (The Well Production), directed by Oscar nominee Hubert Davis and written by Kathleen Hepburn (The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open); and Queen Tut (Fae Pictures), directed by Reem Morsi (Hysteria) and written by Abdul Malik and Kaveh Mohebbi.
The remaining Ontario dramas are Midnight at the Paradise (Billfilms), directed by Vanessa Matsui and written Bill Robertson; The Players (Hawkeye Pictures), written and directed by Sarah Galea-Davis; Whimper (Electric Panda Entertainment), directed by Mackenzie Donaldson and written by Cheryl Meyer and Anthony Grant; and DADA (DADApicture), written and directed by Aaron Poole. Rounding out the Ontario features is the comedy Endless Cookie (Scythia Films/Stellar Citizens/Tiger Mister Productions), written and directed by Seth Scriver and Peter Scriver.
Seven Quebec features picked up funding between the English- and French-language categories. The five French-language titles include comedies Pas d’chicane dans ma cabane (Forum Films 2005), co-written and directed by Sandrine Brodeur-Desrosiers and co-written by Maryse Latendresse, and Vil et misérable (Vlimeuses productions), co-written and directed by Jean-François Leblanc, based on the graphic novels by co-writer Samuel Cantin; and dramas Respire (Productions Karaman/Ugo Multimédia Internet Stands), written and directed by Onur Karaman, Canada/France copro Richelieu (Le Foyer Films/TS productions), written and directed by Pier-Philippe Chevigny, and Tu ne sauras jamais (Bravo Charlie), co-written and directed by Robin Aubert and co-written by Julie Roy.
The two English-language Quebec films are drama Celestine (Slykid), written and directed by Susanne Serres, and comedy I Believe in You, directed by Tara Johns and written by Lanan Adcock.
Four English-language films from B.C. picked up funding, including dramas Motherhood (Aquatinter Films), co-written and directed by Tarique Qayumi and co-written by Tajana Prka; Perigean Tide (Experimental Forest Films), written and directed by Meredith Hama-Brown and The Island Between Tides (Flicker Theory), written and directed by Austin Andrews and Andrew Holmes; and Canada/U.K. fantasy feature Krypto (Goodbye Productions/Taletime Pictures), directed by Kourtney Roy and written by Paul Bromley.
Four English-language films from the Atlantic provinces were selected and one French-language project. The two films from Nova Scotia are fantasy To the Moon (Emotion Pictures), written and directed by Kevin Hartford, and drama Three Schizophrenics Walk Out of a Bar (Pictou Twist Pictures/Waterstar Entertainment), written and directed by Barrie Dunn.
Also selected were Prince Edward Island comedy Who’s Yer Father (Real Good Bet Productions), written and directed by Jeremy Larter; Newfoundland and Labrador comedy Pirate Party (Relatable Films), directed by Ruth Lawrence and written by Luke Lawrence; and French-language New Brunswick drama La clef (Bellefeuille Production), directed by Denise Bouchard and written by Mélanie Léger.
Rounding out the selections is Alberta drama Alberta Number One (North Country Cinema Productions), written and directed by Alexander Carson, as well as four provincial co-productions.
Among them is Ontario/Quebec drama A Portrait (Maison du Bonheur Films/GreenGround Productions), co-written and directed by Sofia Bohdanowicz and co-written by Deragh Campbell; Nova Scotia and Ontario drama Me, My Mom & Sharmila (Rebel Road Films/Shut Up & Colour Pictures/Baby Daal Productions/Filmshow), written and directed by Fawzia Mirza; B.C. and Alberta drama Lucky Star (Notable Content/Kino Sum Productions), written and directed by Gillian McKercher; and Alberta and Quebec drama Wild Goat Surf, written and directed by Caitlyn Sponheimer.
The films were selected by an advisory committee, composed of external and international representatives, whose names will be published once all funding decisions are shared. The English-language national feature film projects are still to be announced. The French-language features were announced earlier this week.
Image: Unsplash