After many wonderful years, I am sad to let you know that today is my last at Brunico, Playback and the Banff World Media Festival. It has been a tremendous honour serving the Canadian media and content industry in different capacities over the last decade (I started at Brunico as a staff writer in 2009 on Media in Canada) and it’s been an unprecedented time to be a part of this industry. When I first started, I pitched a story idea on the hot new tech of the day, apps, and this week, Apple finally unveils its TV service. In a way, that’s pretty full circle.
Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of watching seeds of companies grow into full-fledged enterprises and, on the other hand, the pain of downsizing as enterprises weather ongoing disruption. Through the privilege of journalism, I’ve spoken with so many of you as these events unfold, with all the emotions that they entail. It’s an opportunity I have never taken for granted.
I hope that, through my editor’s notes and conversations with you, my passion for this industry has been clear. You all work so hard and I’ve often joked that the only people I don’t complain about being busy to are Canadian producers, because you out-busy me any day of the week. I absolutely love seeing the final products of your efforts on screen and feel intensely proud when they mentioned in the press or in casual conversation. I’ve picked fights with friends who admit to pirating media, and I’ll be the first person to fight for the merits of the incentives that support this industry, its jobs and its stories. It’s important: a country should be able to tell its own stories, and reap the benefits of it.
Lastly, to say that I couldn’t do this without our team is a significant understatement. I’ve seen Jordan Pinto go from not knowing a MOW from a CRTC to being a content-policy expert. And both Lauren Malyk and Kelly Townsend have quickly become an integral part of the brand, and I’m happy they will be continuing to tell your stories. And I can’t forget Mark Dillon, who many of you knew when he was the editor of Playback and who remains a critical voice of the brand.
There’s a million other people I could thank but the list would be like the credits to a Marvel movie shot on 20 different locations with $100 million of VFX (a.k.a.: long). I won’t miss having a heart attack every time one company buys another but I will miss hearing from all of you when a project (finally!) gets made and is going to screen. That’s the best, and it always will be.
Thank you for your support and best of luck with all of your endeavors. I will be watching from the sidelines (my couch) and happy to have been a part of your story for so long. Find me on LinkedIn if you want to connect, or at the ROM, where I am headed in my next role.