CTV, CBC developing separate dramas from Mark Ellis and Stephanie Morgenstern

Flashpoint co-creators Mark Ellis and Stephanie Morgenstern have separate projects in development at CTV and CBC.

Ellis, while recently dropping hints about the possible new series on Twitter in conversation with fellow TV scribes, remains tight-lipped about the projects until they can be officially unveiled.

But both CTV and CBC confirm to Playback they have dramas in development with Ellis and Morgenstern.

CTV, which recently ordered the ensemble police procedural Played from creator Greg Nelson, Muse Entertainment and Back Alley Film Productions, and CBC with its current cop drama Cracked from White Pine Pictures, are both looking for the shorthand between Ellis and Morgenstern that made Flashpoint into a cross-border hit series over five seasons and 75 episodes.

Ellis and Morgenstern are represented by Harrison Artists in Canada and CAA in the U.S.