CFC unveils Cineplex film program talent

The CFC revealed the names of the residents for this year’s Cineplex Entertainment Film Program, which began Tuesday.

The five-month program is divided into four labs – one each for writers, editors, producers and directors.

It offers up-and-coming creators training in dramatic filmmaking and the chance to network with established industry professionals – which in the past have included Paul Haggis (who is also the current program chairperson), Guillermo del Toro and Vincenzo Natali.

“Our writers, directors and producers all come in with feature film projects that they’re going to develop over the course of the five months here,” CFC film programs manager Erica Proudlock (pictured) tells Playback Daily.

“We take [the projects] through rigorous development from the script and development stage, so that we can take them out to the Canadian and international market,” she adds.

Each year the program sees more than 15 feature film projects packaged.

Featured in this year’s writers’ lab are Ontario’s John Ainslie, Margaret Lester, Chandler Levack, Thelon Oeming and Manitoba’s John Titley.

Meanwhile, the directors’ lab residents are Newfoundland and Labrador’s Stephen Dunn, Nova Scotia’s Cory Bowles, and Ontario’s Daniel D’Alimonte, Ravi Steve Khajuria and Virginia Abramovich.

In the producers’ lab are Ontario’s Lauren Corber, Ngozi Paul, Jennifer Shin and Jordan Walker and British Columbia’s Lyvia Cohen.

Lastly, in the editors’ lab are Ontario’s Bryan Atkinson and Jordan Crute, Saskatchewan’s Jennifer Prokop and B.C.’s Jeremy Schaulin-Rioux.