Kelsey Johnson

Motion Picture Arts, Red Deer College, Alberta

Kelsey Johnson is quickly developing a career in front of and behind the camera.

The 21-year-old is in the fourth year acting stream of the Motion Picture Arts Program at Red Deer College where students are involved in all aspects of dramatic narrative production, from writing to acting, shooting, directing and producing.

The budding actress has signed with Alberta agency Dagaz Talent and played a lead role in the indie feature Tumaini. She also enjoys working as an assistant director, and was hired as 2nd AD on the APTN pilot Blackstone, and 3rd AD for the third season of Mixed Blessings.

‘Mainly, I just want to be involved in work that I can look back on and be proud to have been a part of,’ says Johnson of her post-graduation plans.

Johnson’s instructors say she is a powerful and genuine actress who also excels in the production side of the business. They also note that she exemplifies the professionalism they aim to instill in their graduating students. Johnson has high standards of integrity, self-confidence and initiative in all the projects she works on. She is both a leader of others as well as a great team player able to support the vision of others.