Jackie Chan

Film and Television Production Program, Humber College, Ontario

He’s roasted marshmallows on a volcano and built houses for underprivileged families in Jamaica.

Jackie Chan, a 25-year-old grad of Humber College’s Film and Television Production Program, developed the TV series concept SurvivorChan and accompanying website www.survivorchan.com in his final year of college. The site features webisodes of his travels around the world, conquering personal quests and helping the less fortunate.

‘He is passionate about creating media that matters,’ says Eva Ziemsen, program co-ordinator, film and television at Humber. ‘He uses media as a tool for outreach.’

Ziemsen adds that Chan is great at facilitating collaboration and inspiring and motivating crew.

Chan has produced a music video for recording artist Lauren Christoff, as well as two short dramas. Currently he runs his own restaurant while also continuing his education at the University of Athabasca in Alberta where he is working on a bachelor of communication arts degree.

Chan wants to pursue the possibility of turning SurvivorChan into a TV series, while also teaching communications studies at the high school level.

‘What do I love about film and TV? I love slipping into another world and seeing where the character’s adventures take them,’ says Chan.